About The Co​mpany

Thomas Clive & Co pride ourselves on our ability to provide advice to maximize or minimize the impact of any pr​operty decision you may make voluntarily or in response to a change in circumstances.

We are an Independent Agency with a firm base of institutional, international, national & locally based clients. Whilst our client base includes a number of large institutions we maintain an active role on behalf of all our investors, landlords and tenants a​ssured that any advice is provided entirel​y independent of any other activity by another client. 

We pride ourselves on the independence, accuracy and unbiased advice we give to aid clients in the decision making process, with te​chnical advice at all levels in all markets. 

We can provide the necessary support required by clients to enter into new markets, manage their existing portfolios and extend those portfolios or modify their overall structure to refresh, strengthen or merely underpin the clients’ property interests.  

Committed to every project, from acquisition and disposal of properties to development, occupation or investment, our team can maximize the potential of all your property remaining committed throughout the process providing swift and accurate advice at each stage by taking a proactive role to ensure the best results. This ability to assist to instigate new projects maintaining the momentum displays the level of commitment and quality of advice our clients expect. Thomas Clive & Co, as committed as you are.

“Founded in January 1990 Thomas Clive & Co has over 30 years of industry knowledge, and more than 75 years of valuable experience between the partners, we have successfully advised clients ranging from private individual landlords through to maj​or institutions. Our philosophy simply put, we provide the best advice that we can to achieve the aims of our clients large and small."

Meet The Team

Clive Harriss

 07768 876 568  ​cliveharriss@thomasclive.co.uk

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